Burlington City Council has directed staff to proceed with planning for a new leash-free dog area at Hidden Valley Park. There are, however, several conditions. First, the $100,000 capital cost plus the anticipated operating costs must be approved in the 2023 budget. Then, there will be a period of public consultation to gauge public reaction. If all goes well, the new facility could be built next year.

The proposed fenced area for dogs would be on the west side of Hidden Valley Road and north of the Model Railway Club. Detailed design is not complete. Sketches provided by City Hall are considered preliminary.

News of the proposed new facility came recently with a staff report on community recommendations for new dog parks. The deadline for suggestions was March 31 and Hidden Valley was one idea put forward by the public.

“Staff reviewed several other leash-free area site options in Ward 1. The final recommendation is to build a leash-free area in Hidden Valley Park. This location was identified in the application and meets the Council-approved Leash-Free Criteria,” said the staff report.

Staff went on to report that the proposed site has access to parking, access to water, and is centrally located in Aldershot. The downside may mean the loss of some picnic space.

Aldershot already has a leash-free park at Bayview Park off King Road, north of the 403.