Local News

Burlington's #1 News Source

About Us

Welcome to Local-News.ca Burlington!

The vision of Local-News.ca is to positively contribute to a well-informed, collaborative community.

Our mission is to be an insightful source of news, information, opinions, and discussion about things that are important to people in Burlington, Ontario, the community that we serve.

To fulfill our vision and mission, we will:

  • Serve the interests of the community at large. We want to write about topics that are important to you.
  • Provide quality journalism focused on progress, possibility, and solutions. We will present facts, balanced perspectives, and positive ways forward.
  • Ensure our information is accurate and objective or is identified as an opinion reported by a named contributor.
  • Understand the internal and external forces shaping our community. Burlington is our focus, but context helps all of us understand the bigger picture.

Our services are 100% digital.

We are committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

We Need You!

We want to hear from you, whether you submit a written piece or podcast, photographs or short video, or just email us to tell us the kinds of things you want to hear about. We also rely on community gifts to keep us running — any amount of money is helpful and appreciated to allow us to continue providing engaging, community-driven, relevant content.

Local-News.ca is a privately-owned company.

Editor in chief:
Jennifer Sharman, PhD

Matthew Arnold