Burlington Wards 1 and 2 School Board Trustee Matthew Diodati has resigned only months after being elected to office. Board Chair Margo Shuttleworth announced the resignation at last night’s meeting saying Mr. Diodati is “unable to fulfill his role.”

After some debate, the public school board voted unanimously to ask the City of Burlington to run a by-election to replace Mr. Diodati. The board was advised that such a by-election could take between 75 and 105 days.

Some concern was expressed about the long period without a trustee to represent the area, particularly because of the school boundary review currently underway in Aldershot.

Staff reassured the board that the boundary review report is nearly complete.

“The boundary review steering committee just had their final meeting earlier this week and so we are bringing forward our report to the Administration Council on Tuesday with our recommended scenario for the students move from Glenview to Maplehurst. Trustee Diodati was supportive of the selection that was made.”