I enjoyed meeting Guy D’Alesio on August 19 via Zoom. Guy is running for councillor of Ward 5. He has lived in the ward for 25 years and in Burlington for most of his life.

Currently a department head with the Halton District School Board, Guy has been teaching for over 30 years in arts and technology and history. He has been active in the community coaching football and boys and girls soccer for more than 20 years. His interest in politics started in university and he put his name forward in 2006 to fill the Ward 5 vacancy left when Mike Wallace was elected as a Member of Parliament (Bob Wood, a former councillor, was appointed at that time).

Guy is ready to “bring my energy and commitment to the table.” The strengths he would bring to the council chambers include his listening and communication skills and his experience balancing competing interests. “I look for what is possible when there’s an obstacle.” As a leader, he understands the councillor role to be representing and responding, finding ways to connect and opportunities for building consensus. His approach is to gather information and look at short- and long-term possibilities. He hopes to learn more about the community’s needs and share opportunities for involvement. Since “information is key,” Guy wants to reach out to citizens throughout Ward 5 as much in advance of decisions as possible. More proactive engagement he believes will improve consensus and decrease reactiveness on issues. He said that residents want a council who is responsive and works with integrity.

He provided several examples of concerns expressed by residents in Ward 5, including transit service, Burloak Waterfront Park, train crossings, and a stop light at Lakeshore Road, noting that residents have asked “when did that change?” or not understood the verbiage in some communications to residents. He is pleased that the city agreed to purchase Robert Bateman High School and wants to learn about opportunities there to meet with Ward 5 residents.

Related to development, Guy noted that he would like to bring a footprint of innovation and that everyone is concerned about development, wanting to ensure that we preserve what makes Burlington great. He supports the idea of transit hubs, although he also wants to ensure that access to other parts of Burlington is provided.

Guy’s website is now live at guydalesio.ca and notes four pillars for his campaign: your voice, equity, growth, and leadership.

The other candidates for Ward 5 councillor are Andrew Hall, Denny Pirzas, and Paul Sharman.