Renato Velocci has lived in Ward 6 for 37 years and in Burlington for 47 years. He lists the strengths he would bring to council chambers as his experience in life, economics, and that he has followed politics for many years (including running for office previously). Renato retired 14 years ago from his work as an electrician and in the electrical industry, including time with Ontario Hydro. He has also coached soccer for 30 years.

The most important issues he sees facing the incoming council in the next term of office are taxes and building, both described by Renato as “going crazy.” He noted that the Ontario Land Tribunal doesn’t make things any easier and that he is concerned about the impact on traffic from the “huge buildings out there.” Asked how he plans to approach the tax increases projected, Renato indicated that he will analyze the budget and see where cuts can be made. He expressed concern that too many people are asking for too much money and that he hopes to find ways to alleviate the burden on the residential tax base. “Maybe we should create a city of Halton and share in the costs.” He said that council needs to work as a team: “only a good team can do good things.” His interest is in hearing different opinions and choosing the best solution for the city.

Renato is not planning to have an election website because he thinks it’s best to talk to people about “their needs, not wants.” He hasn’t been out knocking on doors yet but is looking forward to meeting a lot of nice people in Ward 6. When asked about specific Ward 6 concerns, he mentioned speeders. I asked about other issues, like the Millcroft community, quarrying, and protecting farmland, and he agreed that farms need to be protected. He would like to see the federal government give more help to farms producing food.

He loves Burlington Transit and is a regular rider, although he is concerned that “buses are empty.” From his home, he is able to travel in a relaxed way on his Presto card, including downtown, and avoids parking costs at the hospital. He wants to see how we can get more people using transit on a regular basis.

Renato has a positive attitude, cares about Burlington and future generations, and closed our interview wishing me a great day and “be your best.”

The other candidates for Ward 6 councillor are Angelo Bentivegna and Rick Greenspoon.