You didn’t have to look far this weekend to see a lion in Aldershot. No, not the animal kind, the people kind.
Lions clubs from the GTA met in Aldershot for a picnic at Hidden Valley Park. Over 80 members from several different clubs assembled to meet and greet. Aldershot Councillor Kelvin Galbraith and Business Improvement Area (B.I.A.) Executive Director Judy Worsley welcomed the group.

The event was hosted by Lions District A-7-11 with the support of the Aldershot Lions Club and its President Ron Hardy.
There was food, a little dancing, and lots of fun despite the threatening weather.
There are over 1.4 million Lions in the world. Here in Aldershot, the club has been active for over 60 years and has made many financial, volunteer, and infrastructure contributions to the community. It’s current garage sale project on Plains Road has been a “roaring” success and will continue for the foreseeable future.
The Aldershot Lions Club welcomes new members.