Community Planning, Regulation and Mobility

The recommendation to continue to process the submitted Official Plan and zoning bylaw amendments for 1134 and 1167 Plains Road East was passed, with the motion moved by Councillor Nisan at committee and approved unanimously at a special council meeting on September 9. This property is at the corner of Plains Road East and Fairview Street, east of the QEW.

The recommendation to continue to process the submitted Official Plan and zoning bylaw amendments for 535–551 Brant Street was passed, with the motion moved by Councillor Kearns at committee and approved unanimously at the special council meeting on September 9. This property is on the east side of Brant Street, north of Caroline Street. Seven delegates spoke at the committee meeting (five in opposition) and an additional seven citizens sent correspondence.

The recommendation to continue to process the submitted Official Plan and zoning bylaw amendments for 720, 735, 740 Oval Court and 5135 and 5155 Fairview Street was passed, with the motion moved by Councillor Sharman at committee and approved unanimously at the special council meeting on September 9. This property is on the north side of Fairview Street, east of Appleby Line. Twelve delegates spoke at the committee meeting (ten in opposition) and an additional two citizens and one company sent correspondence.

The grant from the Community Heritage Fund for restoration work to the front veranda at the Thomas Hiram Alton House at 2411 Lakeshore Road, on the north side of Lakeshore Road between Market and St. Paul streets, was approved at committee.

Corporate Services, Strategy, Risk and Accountability

The annual report of the integrity commissioner, Principles Integrity, and the From Vision to Focus update report were received and filed. The report about a hybrid city council and standing committee meeting strategy was approved, with implementation referred back to the city clerk “until such time as there is a much-improved safety environment.” The September 9 meeting included three hours and 23 minutes in closed session, with the minutes referencing five sections of the Municipal Act. Obviously, there was a lot to discuss!

One of the confidential reports in the agenda (real estate acquisition) was deferred to the September 21 committee meeting. The report and recommendation to approve a lobbyist registration policy was deferred to the October 6 committee meeting.  

Meeting agendas and minutes are available on, by choosing the meeting calendar and clicking on the respective meeting agenda, meeting package, or minutes.