The Region of Halton’s current Official Plan Review (ROPA 48) creates the opportunity to convert a sad old brownfield site in Aldershot into a new residential complex.
ROPA 48, which is expected to be passed later this year, converts the old 403-Wreckers site on Sumach Drive from an industrial designation to a mixed-use designation. As a result, the owner is already floating a development proposal.
On its website, the Downing Street Group describes the 3.68-acre property as “an amazing opportunity to develop a master planned residential community.”
The specific concept is for a 180-unit mid-rise condominium building.
Aldershot Councillor Kelvin Galbraith agrees that the property would be suitable for residential development because of its proximity to parks and transportation, but indicated it is very early in the process.
“To date, I have not had any contact from this property owner or any discussions with anyone about potential development with this property.”
In an email exchange, the developer confirmed that “significant characterization work” has already been done and they have started to reach out to municipal planning staff.
“The proposed development looks primed to ride a recent wave of change and growth in the Aldershot area, which is in a period of transition away from low-density build form towards more urbanized, higher density urban forms that maintain the small-town feel of the community,” according to the developer’s website.
The owner admits that the environmental contamination on the site must be cleaned up before anything is built.