It was generally a quiet election campaign in Burlington’s Ward 1 — until now.
In an interview with the Burlington Gazette, candidate for city council Robert Radway accused incumbent Kelvin Galbraith of “telling people I am going to be a full-time teacher and a full-time councillor. I have made my position known — I will take a leave of absence and be a full-time city and regional councillor if I am elected.”
Radway, who has been knocking on doors for months, is getting some negative feedback from people concerned that if elected, he could not attend City Hall meetings because of his job as a teacher. Radway is trying to make it clear now that he would be full-time at City Hall.
He feels that Galbraith is confusing voters and exploiting the issue.
Galbraith admits he has been telling people that Radway planned to continue in his teaching job if elected, but claims he was just repeating what Radway himself said earlier in the election and what constituents have repeated.
“I didn’t make it up…it’s not rumor or hearsay. I got it from constituents who told me that he was still planning on teaching. It’s all factual.”

Galbraith says he will not raise the issue again as he feels Radway has changed his mind from what he said at the start of the campaign.
Radway has posted a statement on social media.
“I want to be clear that I will be taking a leave of absence from education to fulfill my role as City and Regional Councillor, if elected.”