Development interests in the Bridgeview area of North Aldershot got their fair share of time this week at a public meeting about Halton’s new official plan. In return, the region again confirmed it is keeping an open mind.

Three land owners from Bridgeview, including a motel owner, inquired about property and development rights.

“This is the central area for transit in all forms for the recreational side of west Aldershot, whether it be hiking through Snake Road, Plains Road, the RBG [Royal Botanical Gardens] or the Rock Garden. I think it’s important that we understand the opportunities we can have in Bridgeview from a land ownership standpoint,” said one caller.

The virtual public meeting was aimed at getting feedback from North Aldershot property owners on the proposed new regional official plan. It takes the overall position that urban expansion into North Aldershot should not be permitted.

“In the case of North Aldershot, many of the elements that make up a compact form are not achievable because of the fragmented nature of the proposed development areas…its low density and its distance from business services and public service facilities such as schools. With respect to services, it has been concluded that extending services into North Aldershot is potentially costly, inefficient and technically challenging,” said planning consultant Nick McDonald.

Bridgeview, however, may be the exception.

“We want to understand the aspirations of landowners in the Bridgeview area. We know that there are some larger land holders there who do have an interest in advancing some development plans. Bridgeview [already] has a little more urban character,” said regional planning director Curt Benson.

Benson added that the region will be examining the financial and servicing implications further to determine whether growth and intensification in Bridgeview can eventually be justified.

“So, we’re certainly open to understanding that and discussing that a bit more,” added McDonald.

One of the largest landowners in the area is the New Horizon Group. In its appeal of the city’s new official plan, the developer disclosed that it wants to develop 24 hectares of land, in a mixed-use development in and around the Bridgeview area.

“It has been [New Horizon’s] long-standing position that certain lands within the North Aldershot Policy Area are appropriate for urban development,” wrote the lawyer for the developer.