After a delay caused by insurance issues and a request put forward to the City of Burlington to step in, the LaSalle Park Marina will now be able to reopen by June 20, 2022, under its own insurance plans.

The annual boat “lift-in” was supposed to happen on May 5 this year. It was delayed after the commercial liability insurance plan, one of the several insurance plans required for the marina’s operation, was not renewed by the carrier because of outstanding slip-and-fall lawsuits.

The LaSalle Park Marina Association (LPMA), the volunteer organization that manages the marina, investigated other options before asking the City of Burlington to supervise the marina so that the liability insurance could be covered by city insurance plans. Though the city owns the wave break and the docks, the marina is one of the city’s Joint Venture Agreements (JVAs), which allows the marina to be operated by volunteers and the city to reduce their costs.

The city was hoping to remain as hands-off as possible, but for the marina to have fallen under the city’s liability insurance plan, a City of Burlington staff member would have had to directly supervise the marina. City staff members have been busy looking into all the associated staffing, financial, and legal matters.

However, this week, it was announced that the LPMA has managed to find their own liability insurance, thus rendering the City of Burlington supervisory question moot. Director of Recreation, Community and Culture Chris Glenn noted, “We are very happy the LPMA was able to secure insurance and can return to another successful season of boating. We have a long history of working together and we’re looking forward to continuing our relationship and offering excellent marina services through the LPMA.”

The marina is currently being readied for the reopening; the process of lifting the stored boats into the water began on June 13 and will be completed by June 20. The LaSalle Park Community Marina and boat launch will be open for public use on June 20. The Burlington Sailing and Boating Club and the Able Sail program will also be able to run from the marina again upon reopening.

Said Lorn Newton, the president of the LPMA, “The LaSalle Park Marina Association Board of Directors is pleased to open and operate the city’s community marina for the 2022 season. Special thanks to the mayor, city council and staff for their support during this difficult situation. We look forward to seeing friends old and new.”