carmen.shawn.headshot By Carmen Shawn

I’m so excited to be a contributor to Burlington’s and look forward to sharing wellness, lifestyle, and fitness articles with you. I am a wellness and lifestyle coach, and am passionate about sharing my knowledge with people to help them fulfill their health and wellness goals!

With our excellent lakeside location and amazing local amenities, Burlington has so much to offer to help us stay healthy and active. The Health and Wellness section will feature articles on current and upcoming events in Burlington with underlying seasonal themes to ensure we remain responsive to what our readers are living through.

As we go through the year, our section will also feature information on designated health issue awareness days and months. Awareness of these various health issues will offer you a chance to lend your support, as well as provide you and those around you with the tools to succeed in your health and fitness goals.

My next article will celebrate “Movember,” a great cause that focuses on men’s health challenges, including prostate and testicular cancer and mental health issues. Grow a moustache or support Movember in other ways to cheer on the men of Burlington – for instance, look out for Movember-supporting charity runs in your community!

We are quickly coming into December, which can often be a challenging month in a normal year, with cold weather, fewer daylight hours, and the stress of planning and hosting holiday celebrations. Throw in the challenges of COVID-19 — this year, we will all need extra encouragement and inspiration to get us through.

On that note, I hope to hear from you on issues that you want to hear about and ideas that your fellow residents and business owners could find helpful. Let’s talk!

Carmen Shawn  CHC – HCI, CPT- ISSA, PN1, NLP Practitioner 

Carmen Shawn | Health and Fitness

Wellness & Lifestyle Coach