Feb. 11, 2025 — Conservation Halton
The Conservation Halton Foundation (“Conservation Halton”) is pleased to announce a $150,000 donation from RBC Foundation. This funding will help drive the restoration of ecosystems through creek restoration and support for local farmers implementing more sustainable practices to protect water quality and wildlife habitats on agricultural land.
The initiative ‘Blue Creeks and Green Landscapes’ connects two distinct projects that help advance restoration across the Halton watershed. At Carlisle Conservation Area, efforts focus on restoring natural habitats, while outreach with the agricultural community supports projects that enhance water quality and biodiversity. Together, these initiatives highlight the importance of integrating restoration and agricultural stewardship to strengthen the health and resilience of the watershed.
At Carlisle Conservation Area, efforts will focus on restoring Bronte Creek’s natural flow by narrowing sections of the creek, constructing wetlands, and planting native species. These actions aim to create a healthier environment for species at risk in Ontario, such as Redside Dace and snapping turtles, while contributing to the ecological integrity of the watershed.
Complementing the restoration work at the Carlisle Conservation Area, the project will also engage agricultural landowners across the watershed. Through education, outreach, and cost-share grants, farmers will adopt best management practices that protect and enhance ecological health. These efforts not only help improve soil health and water quality but also help contribute to a more resilient and thriving watershed.
“Funding from RBC Foundation will allow us to make a meaningful impact on the health of local ecosystems,” said Crystal Allan, Manager of Landscape Restoration at Conservation Halton. “With these initiatives, we will work to improve water quality and aquatic habitats while collaborating with farmers to integrate more sustainable practices that help to enhance both biodiversity and agricultural productivity.”
RBC Foundation has played a role in supporting Conservation Halton’s restoration efforts and community programs for several years. Their ongoing support has helped Conservation Halton establish climate action programs like the Green Space: Newcomer Youth Climate Forum, which provided environmental education to over 1,800 newcomer youth, and the Blue Creeks, Green Banks initiative which restored over 240,000 metres square of floodplains, creeks, and wetlands. This continued support has played a role in Conservation Halton’s ability to deliver impactful projects that help restore natural ecosystems and engage the community.
“At RBC, we believe that it’s important to advance nature-based solutions, to help sequester carbon and contribute to climate adaptation and ecosystem resilience,” said Rick Atherton, RVP, Halton, RBC. “By supporting Conservation Halton’s efforts, we’re helping to restore biodiversity through creek restoration while also supporting the agricultural industry’s transition to more sustainable practices that build climate resilience. Projects like ‘Blue Creeks and Green Landscapes’ showcase how strategic donations in natural and working landscapes can deliver impactful results for the health of the watershed and the people who depend on it.”
“This donation from RBC Foundation is a testament to the power of collaboration in addressing pressing environmental challenges,” said Chandra Sharma, President and CEO of Conservation Halton. “Through collaborations like this, we can help restore ecosystems, protect at-risk species, and engage with farmers to adopt practices that benefit both biodiversity and agricultural productivity. Together, we’re working to build a more resilient future for our watershed and our communities.”
Visit Conservation Halton’s website to learn more about Bronte Creek restoration at Carlisle Conservation Area. Visit Conservation Halton’s landowner programs webpage for information on agricultural outreach initiatives.