June 20, 2024 — BurlingtonGreen
BurlingtonGreen invites community members to help make a difference for the local environment this Canada Day, by joining on Monday, July 1 at Spencer Smith Park for BurlingtonGreen’s biggest event greening opportunity of the year.
At 2023’s Canada Day event, BurlingtonGreen’s Event Greening Ambassador volunteers helped festival-goers divert 2,458.7 kg of recyclable and compostable waste from landfill. And this year’s event is expected to be another big opportunity to reduce waste.
“Participating Event Greening Ambassadors consistently report it’s rewarding and fun, a great way to learn about and share correct waste sorting tips with the local community,” says Sue Alksnis, who manages BurlingtonGreen’s volunteer program.
“BurlingtonGreen provides a light and fun team-spirit approach with a focus on getting the job done — and an opportunity to immediately see the difference made together to help our planet locally. This is also a great opportunity to complete up to nine high school student volunteer hours.”
Responsible participants age 12 and older are welcome. Those under age 14 must be accompanied by an adult. No experience is required. Training is provided, as well as work gloves and a BG t-shirt to wear during the event.
Community members can review the details and sign up using this online sign up form.
Celebrating 17 years of helping the planet locally, BurlingtonGreen welcomes all sectors of the community to join their efforts through awareness, advocacy, and action, to empower the Burlington community to protect and care for the environment, now and for the future.
Details and registration for other exciting opportunities with BurlingtonGreen – such as the ongoing Community Clean Up to collect litter, nature discovery activities at Burlington Beach, tree planting, electronic waste collection and opportunities for volunteers and youth are available at www.burlingtongreen.org.