By Burlington Humane Society

Meet Tabitha, the outdoor adventurer turned potential house cat, who has lived her entire life in the wild, channeling her inner feline Bear Grylls.

A kind-hearted individual kept an eye on her from kittenhood until she was safely secured, and now this curious cat is ready for her next big adventure — finding a forever home. Tabitha, between 1–2 years old, has already seen her large litter of kittens off to their own forever homes, so it’s finally her turn in the spotlight.

She seems to have a soft spot for men — perhaps she’s plotting her own version of The Bachelorette? We’re working on her people preferences here at BHS, but don’t worry, ladies, there’s hope!

This clever kitty is a master escape artist with a knack for sneaky getaways that Houdini would envy. She’s still figuring out these strange creatures called humans and our bizarre habits (and let’s face it, some of our fashion choices). Petting is possible, but she approaches it with the caution of someone who suspects a hidden bath is involved.

Tabitha has a very gentle soul and is looking for someone with patience, kindness, and a sense of humour to match her quirky personality. If you have a quieter home where she can safely explore and have plenty of love to give, Tabitha might just be the purr-fect addition to your life.

Tabitha is available for adoption through the Burlington Humane Society. has partnered with the Burlington Humane Society to give you stories of some of the pets they have available for adoption. If you fall in love and want to adopt one of the pets featured, go to the Adopt a Cat or Kitten or the Adopt a Dog or Puppy page on their website for more information on how to proceed.