By Jack Brittle, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

Last week, Tammy Fox, the executive director of the Burlington Performing Arts Centre (BPAC), resigned from her position; no reasons have been given for her resignation.

Just over three weeks ago, Steve Cussons stepped down as the chair of the board of directors for the Sound of Music Festival (SOM).

This shake-up comes less than two weeks before the Sound of Music Festival (SOM) is set to kick off, of which BPAC is the title sponsor. Cussons and Fox had been working together closely in this capacity; Cussons noted that this partnership was a strategic move meant to help run the festival with experienced staff.

“We no longer had an internal team at SOM, and at that point, would have hired, but because BPAC was such a strategic move, with resources, we felt we had the resources [to run SOM].”

Back in 2022, the Sound of Music festival requested a short-term loan from the city, citing a post-pandemic loss of sponsors. The 2023 city budget then increased the festival’s grant funding and forgave a loan (for one-time funding).

Describing the discussions around the BPAC-SOM partnership as “a bit like dating,” Cussons said they ended up without a Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations. Instead, the “title sponsorship” was created, for each organization to “check [the other] out.”

Cussons spoke about the reasons behind his departure from SOM.

“As acting executive director and chair, my goal and responsibility was to better position SOM to have a better future,” Cussons said. “And I believed that a strategic partnership with BPAC would be a good move, but it became a full-time job. I run a successful business as well, plus Rebel Car, and other community work, including my involvement in Halton Women’s Place. I know Tammy put a lot of work in too.”

Cussons said that while the partnership with SOM was beneficial, it started to take a toll on him.

“It has been stressful,” Cussons said. “I’ve had to give up other things related to Rebel Car as well, I couldn’t pull together the annual car show this year. I had to make a choice between my physical and mental health and SOM. My family made it clear what the choice should be. My own bandwidth just ran out.”

Dave Shepherd has taken over as chair of the SOM board of directors and spoke about his new role.

“I have been on the Board with the festival for a few years now and was happy to step up and help when Steve departed,” Shepherd said. “Fortunately, Steve and the executive of the board were well organized for this year, and it’s been a seamless transition. We wish Steve well and thank him for his leadership.”

Shepherd noted that Fox’s departure will also not impact the festival; “BPAC is our title sponsor this year, and they have been a great addition to the festival.”

Ken Smithard, the chair of the board of directors at BPAC, sent a memo out to employees about Fox’s departure last week and sent the same to when asked for comment.

“Tammy has advised the Board of her resignation from BPAC. Her departure is effective immediately,” Smithard said. “We want to thank Tammy for her seven years of service and wish her the very best in the next stage of her career. The search for a new Executive Director is underway. In the meantime, staff should continue to reach out to Vaughn Davis [Operations Manager] as their primary contact.”

Smithard also said he will “be making another announcement later this week with respect to the new board members that came on board at our annual general meeting last week.”

Following Fox’s resignation, The Bay Observer reported that “the proposed partnership between BPAC and the Sound of Music Festival may have played a role in Fox’s departure,” but did not specify the source of the information.

BPAC has had other recent challenges, specifically with the board of directors. Following the pandemic, there had been recruitment issues, and a lack of succession planning leading to a period without a chair or vice-chair, such that a governance review was initiated.

Angelo Bentivegna, Ward 6 councillor and the city’s representative on the BPAC board, initiated that independent governance review in November of last year, which council approved. The release of 2024 budget funding to BPAC — to the tune of over $1 million — was contingent on this review and implementation of any resulting recommendations.

At the time, Fox delegated to council in support of the governance review, stating that BPAC was “at a crossroads where our governance must evolve,” and that certain “golden opportunities” had recently arisen with SOM and with Sheridan College’s performing arts programs.

“Yet our current governance has hesitated when it should leap,” she said to council.

Describing the board’s struggles, Fox noted, “These governance challenges are affecting our ability to continue with operational excellence.”

In response to questions from council (which included positive comments on Fox’s performance at BPAC from Ward 5 Councillor Paul Sharman), Fox alluded to further challenges with regard to the BPAC-SOM partnership, saying, “I have not been getting clear direction [from the board].”

The review, undertaken by governance expert Dr. Richard Leblanc, was turned over to the BPAC board in January of this year. In March, board chair Smithard released a statement to the city stating that the board had unanimously voted to “adopt all recommendations in the report” and that while some items had already been completed, “many others are in process,” though the report itself, and the recommendations it contains, are confidential to the board.

The Burlington Post submitted a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to view the governance report to the City of Burlington, but it was denied.

Cussons, for his part, says that he “has no idea” why Fox resigned and that he understands that there are questions — for which he, too, would like answers.

“How many other local performing arts centres bring sold-out shows and profitable events?” Cussons said with regard to Fox’s time at BPAC. “I’m not sure they’ll find someone else with her passion.”

We have reached out to Fox for comment, and will update if a response is forthcoming, though it was Fox herself who said, at that November delegation to council, “I reaffirm my unwavering dedication to the Burlington Performing Arts Centre.”