The Burlington Humane Society recently welcomed four puppies after an unexpected canine pregnancy; upon arrival, these husky-mix furballs were named Gemini, Pisces, Virgo, and Leo.
Their photos were soon up on the adoptions page on BHS’ website; close on the heels of those uploaded photos came the applications for their adoption. Within two days, two of the pups were on their way to their new homes with their forever families; now, only the blue-eyed Pisces is still listed as available online. On social media, the posts on the pups were shared around 400 times.

This flood of applications happens whenever puppies or kittens arrive at BHS — not unexpected, as puppies and kittens are obviously adorable. And of course, with a baby animal, one has the opportunity to shape that little animal’s life and personality, showering them in love and attention from the start.
But other pets, like Freddie, can get overlooked. Freddie, a mixed breed/hound, has been at BHS for nearly six months. He is a lovely boy, the favourite of BHS volunteer dog walkers and staff alike.
Why, then, is he still at the shelter?
Freddie is a big boy. Not Great Dane size, but larger than a spaniel or a collie. And if he is not sure about a new person, he does his job, making sure new people mean well, by voicing his concerns (as any good boy should).
Freddie needs a forever family who will not judge his height and length or take issue with him using his voice. In return, he’ll provide love, loyalty, and fun. Six-year-old Freddie loves playtime and going for long walks. He is a character who loves being silly and making his humans laugh.
Says volunteer dog walker Ashling, “Freddie is so special to me. He’s a gentle giant — a body pillow kinda cuddle buddy, so silly and so much fun, also such a smart boy and great listener.”

He does like proper introductions to potential playmates, according to BHS. “He’s got high standards for his pals.”
Dog walkers Jackie and Jane agree that Freddie is a special boy. Jackie says, “Freddie encapsulates everything I want in a dog: relentlessly happy, mischievously playful, loving and cuddly, loyal and curious.”
Most people would agree that puppies are cute, but don’t sleep on Freddie. With Freddie, you’d be getting a known quantity: a loving, playful chap who likes to have his say, with both his voice and very expressive eyes.
As Ashling says about Freddie: “He is the best boy who deserves the best home.”
If you can provide that home, go to Freddie’s page on the BHS website and click “Apply for Adoption.”

Freddie is available for adoption through the Burlington Humane Society. has partnered with the Burlington Humane Society to give you stories of some of the pets they have available for adoption. If you fall in love and want to adopt one of the pets featured, go to the Adopt a Cat or Kitten or the Adopt a Dog or Puppy page on their website for more information on how to proceed.