By Burlington Humane Society

We featured Opal before on’s Adoptable Pet of the Week feature, but we’re trying again as Opal is still at the Burlington Humane Society (BHS). We’re hoping that the right cat-loving person will read this and head over to BHS to meet her!

Attention, all cool cat connoisseurs! Have you been searching for the feline version of a mysterious, intriguing character? Well, look no further, because Opal is here to steal your heart and entertain you in her own special way!

Opal, the 6-year-old tuxedo sensation, is all about that “me-time” and would like you to respect her boundaries just like any diva deserves. She’s the queen of solitude, reigning over her solo domain with grace and glamour. But don’t let her independent demeanour fool you — she’s got a heart of gold hidden beneath that tuxedo coat.

Opal is FIV+, which means that her immune system is compromised, so should be the only pet in her adult-only home. Cats with FIV can live full and healthy lives, though they do require vet visits every six months for health monitoring. Opal is very playful and loves belly rubs, but can sometimes become a bit spicy. Is your home ready for this gorgeous girl?

When Opal decides it’s “attention o’clock,” get ready for the most charming and captivating moments of your life. She’ll weave her enchanting spells to make sure you shower her with pets and affection. Picture it: Opal, sitting on her throne (or a comfortable pillow), waiting for you to admire her while she bestows you with a regal headbutt. Truly, a moment fit for a royal photo op!

Now, about playtime — Opal’s got it all figured out. She’s not into those marathon play sessions that leave everyone exhausted; oh no, she’s more of a “let’s-have-fun-in-small-doses” kind of girl. Ten minutes of chasing that feather toy or batting around a ball, and she’ll be ready to kick back and watch you admire her hunting prowess.

Remember, Opal has her heart set on being the sole star of the show. She’s looking for a single cat palace where she can reign supreme — no co-stars necessary. If you’re willing to spoil her with solo attention and endless admiration, Opal promises to make your life a stylish adventure filled with just the right amount of play, purrs, and quirky cat antics.

So, if you’re ready to embrace the glamorous world of Opal and her tuxedo magnificence, submit your application today! The stage is set, the spotlight is on, and Opal is ready to make her grand entrance into your heart and home.

For more information on FIV please visit:

Opal is available for adoption through the Burlington Humane Society. If you fall in love and want to adopt one of the pets featured in “Adoptable Pet of the Week,” go to the Adopt a Cat or Kitten or the Adopt a Dog or Puppy page on their website for more information on how to proceed.