By Huba Sagarwala
Tedy, a rising star in the music industry, is set to captivate audiences at the upcoming Sound of Music event in Burlington. With a performance scheduled for Saturday, June 17, at 6:50 p.m. in front of Burlington’s City Hall, Tedy is poised to showcase his incredible talent and eclectic sound. In an exclusive interview, Tedy shared insights into his musical journey, creative process, and future aspirations.
From an early age, Tedy’s passion for music was undeniable. As he stated in a press release, he has always been “obsessed with music.” However, his decision to pursue a career as a musician was not driven by a sense of urgency or time constraints. Tedy debunked the notion that one must achieve success at a young age, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery and finding his own identity through music. “I felt I was living for everyone but me, lacking a sense of identity, and music, little by little, is helping me find who I am,” Tedy explained.
Despite describing himself as having a “thick skin,” presenting music online ended up slowly challenging his self-image as a result of negative comments online in between the positive. He came to realize that working on himself was the most important thing, to be healthy and happy: “The people who like you will like you forever, because that’s what they fell in love with — 100% just be yourself, don’t try to spend too much time trying to be something you can’t.”

Tedy’s music seamlessly combines elements of pop and R&B, creating a distinct sound that defies labels. He rejects the stigma associated with pop music, reminding us that pop is ubiquitous and has played a significant role in shaping the music industry. Drawing inspiration from artists like Adele, Tedy initially aspired to create something similarly powerful. However, as he continued his musical journey, he discovered his own strengths and weaknesses, leading him to create pop-infused, fun, and “dope” R&B tracks. Tedy firmly believes in constantly pushing boundaries and surprising his audience, stating, “I think I can do a bit of everything and do them really well, so get ready for a long and entertaining ride; you won’t know what’s coming next.”
When it comes to Tedy’s creative process, he approaches each song differently. For his album Warning, Tedy wrote all the songs a cappella in his mind, akin to living out scenes from the TV show Glee. Songs would spontaneously come to him, prompting him to immediately record them on his phone. Whether it’s a complete a cappella composition or hearing an instrumental in his mind, Tedy’s creative process adapts to the mood and inspiration he experiences. Sometimes, words and melodies flow effortlessly, while other times, they require careful crafting. Regardless of the approach, Tedy’s dedication to his craft shines through in every song he creates.
Choosing a favourite song is a challenge for Tedy, as he views each piece as a personal diary entry. His albums are a reflection of his life experiences and are continuously evolving. Tedy is currently working on his first full-length album in Los Angeles, and he treats his music as a snapshot of his journey. As he states, “If the world hears it, it means I thought it was really, really awesome.”

Balancing artistic vision with commercial considerations can be a delicate task, but Tedy navigates it with finesse. He recognizes the importance of being authentic while understanding the realities of the music industry. Tedy highlights the significance of finding what genuinely resonates with him and his audience, rather than merely imitating popular trends. He believes in being “greedy” for success but emphasizes the need to create good, authentic music that connects with people on a profound level. “You can live off it but give people good quality stuff, care about their experience,” Tedy asserts.
While Tedy does not play instruments himself, he has a keen ear for specific sounds and instruments that he envisions in his songs; his Haitian childhood exposed him to all kinds of music, from American to Spanish-language tunes from different countries, giving him a broad knowledge base to draw from. Collaborating with producers, he conveys his ideas by describing the desired instrument or sound, allowing them to bring his vision to life.
And now that vision is finding its way to more people. Tedy recalls his first live show, and appreciating the people in attendance, leading him to think, “Maybe I’m not crazy, maybe I can do this!” Then, earlier this year, he was named one of Amazon’s Canadian Breakthrough artists, complete with a giant Tedy billboard in Toronto; and now, there are festivals, the album he is currently working on, and an upcoming tour as a supporting act. You can hear Tedy’s music on the usual platforms (like Spotify), follow him on TikTok and Instagram under his handle @iemtedy and, of course, see him live at the Sound of Music on Sat., June 17 on the Cogeco Stage in front of City Hall.