By April Mraud, volunteer at the Burlington Humane Society 

“Draw me like one of your French girls.” Can you be the Jack to my Rose?

 I need someone who’ll love me for the special girl I am. I’m not even three years old, but I feel like I’m 100 some days! In experience, that is, not health-wise. I was found as a stray 15 months ago living under a dumpster along with a number of other cats who’ve all been adopted (yes, that’s right…one year and three months ago). It was cold, let me assure you of that. Food was sparse, and fear was rampant. Unless you’ve been homeless, at the mercy of the elements and vulnerable, you truly can’t know how terrifying the situation was. To our indescribable relief, a stranger ACTED: a simple word that literally changed our lives and probably saved them.

Due to the incredible fear I’d developed, I was moved from the shelter into a foster home to see if a miracle could be worked. My foster mom (no newbie, by the way), was worried about me at first. She wondered if perhaps I’d simply lost the will to live because I just seemed so intensely sad. I wasn’t even grooming myself and was barely eating. Her persistence, calm presence, and love finally elicited a purr from me (boy, was she happy!) and since then, I’ve steadily blossomed. 

It’s been a year that I’ve been in my foster home. I love and trust my foster mom but I know this is a temporary home (yes, there’ll be tears when I leave) and I need to get serious about finding my forever home. I’m gorgeous, I love to be brushed, I have cute quirks (pets from feet!), and I’m ready to fly.

Do you have a quiet home that will allow me to be the queen of the house? That will give me the space and time I need to acclimate? That will keep me safe and get me to the vet for regular check-ups? (I have FIV but there’s no medication needed for me! Just keep me healthy!)

I’d love to show you how sweet and wonderful I am. I’m in a foster home so you’ll have to see me on the big (okay, the small) screen but foster mom is very tech-savvy and has mastered the art of Zoom…please consider me. I’ve been through so much in my short life and I just want to land in a forever home where I can get all the love I missed out on in my earlier years, as well as all the love (and foot-pets!) yet to come.

Purrs and kisses, Nevada

Nevada is available for adoption through the Burlington Humane Society. If you fall in love and want to adopt one of the pets featured in “Adoptable Pet of the Week,” go to the Adopt a Cat or Kitten or the Adopt a Dog or Puppy page on their website for more information on how to proceed.