We are pleased to share the stunning photographs of another Burlington resident, Derrick Stevens. We are constantly amazed by the talent to be found in Burlington, and hope you enjoy these photos as much as we do. Stay warm today!

Derrick Stevens says:
Born in Toronto and recently moved to Burlington/Aldershot area in 2021, I just started getting interested in photography when the pandemic hit in 2020. I was living in Port Dover and to keep myself sane I would venture out and just take a few pics with my iPhone. I shared them on a local Facebook page and people seemed to enjoy them. Being an old hockey player, people are quite surprised by my new hobby. I then purchased a Nikon camera and have been trying to learn and grow with it ever since. I love to get out and enjoy the outdoors and what our beautiful city has to offer. As a result of me shamelessly sharing so many pictures on the Burlington Together page, I have met a lot of new friends with common interests. I love our city and the people are just wonderful.
Photos on this page © 2023 Derrick Stevens.