There has been a change in the land designation of one of Aldershot’s most eastern residential areas. It is sudden, dramatic and important.
Late last year the Ontario government, when it approved Halton’s Official Plan, placed the Bridgeview area inside Burlington’s Urban Boundary, thereby opening it up to further development and intensification. It had been outside the urban boundary, offering concerned residents some assurance that their semi-rural location would not change. Now, it will.
The Bridgeview subdivision is located on Plains Road West, north of the 403 and adjacent to Highway 6. It currently contains a driving range, about 60 homes, and a variety of small businesses including a motel, the Ruston RV Centre, a paving company, and others.
“We intend to do progressive development here with many environmental features and using open spaces and the beauty of the neighbouring ravine and municipal park to create a very complete community. We also hope in time that the bus service from Plains Road will connect to this community more thoroughly so transit access will become more readily available,” commented Jeff Paikin, president of the New Horizon Development Group, which is believed to own at least the driving range.
Halton Regional Planning Director Kurt Benson has always acknowledged that the area might have some potential for intensification but preferred more time and more analysis. The provincial decision has now hastened the entire matter.

“What it does do is enable intensification to a higher degree than what we were contemplating,” said Benson at a recent regional council meeting. He added that there is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the planning process that will follow the change in designation.
Aldershot City Councillor Kelvin Galbraith acknowledged that regional planning staff had Bridgeview on their radar, but said he was surprised at the province’s move.
“I am assuming that the land owners in this area will begin to advance planning in terms of mixed-use communities including a mix of residential and retail developments. …I have not seen any plans as of yet, but I would assume they are forthcoming.”
According to Paikin, “It is 27 acres bordering on residential and 400 series highways. It finally makes sense with its potential to add to the community now being unlocked.”
The site, which is close to the Royal Botanical Gardens, has spectacular views of the escarpment and the City of Hamilton.