It was confidential. Now it’s public. The Halton Catholic District School Board has released the report that led to the May guilty verdict and the subsequent July sanctioning of Burlington Trustee Vincent Iantomasi for violations of the Trustee Code of Conduct.
He was barred from attending school board meetings until the end of the term.
The report concluded that Iantomasi engaged in “multiple instances of language, behaviour and conduct that are listed in the Code of Conduct policy as unacceptable.”
Prepared by Board Vice-Chair Brenda Agnew, the report accused Iantomasi of multiple violations of the code, particularly with regard to his treatment of, challenges to and communications with board Chair Marvin Duarte.
Specific emails, text messages, and meetings were cited.
“These emails contain some disrespectful comments and are questionable in their professionalism, and are at times accusatory towards the chair, the parliamentarian and other trustees.” Agnew also used the term “rude” to describe some of Iantomasi’s messages.
“These texts include a suggestion of collusion, and comments regarding Trustee Duarte’s knowledge and also seem to draw issue with Trustee Duarte not being from our country from birth.”
The report included an email from an unnamed woman who was disturbed about Iantomasi’s behaviour toward the Director of Education when he chaired a 2020 board meeting.
“The conduct exhibited by Chair Iantomasi and… last night was deplorable. The impression given by their rudeness and condescending words and attitude towards you, Director, as well as to other trustees is simply unacceptable, especially within a public forum.”
After reviewing the recordings of five board meetings, Agnew reported that Iantomasi had been disrespectful, accusatory, and disruptive.
“Trustee Iantomasi has consistently been disruptive at board meetings, often speaking out of turn and not waiting to be recognized by the chair. Frequently calling out points of order without stating the point of order and often refusing to conduct himself accordingly as per the expectations of the Trustee Code of Conduct, and makes comments that seem to be taunting Trustee Duarte.”
Iantomasi is seeking re-election as the Wards 1 and 2 trustee. He is running against Kirsten Kelly.

Neither Iantomasi or Kelly have commented on the release of the report.
The election is October 24.