July 4, 2022 — Press release from the Creative Community Hive
Tuesday mornings are for crafting with the Hive at Next Door Social Space in Aldershot.
The Hive offers free, drop-in crafting sessions for adults, and will be running their sessions on Tuesdays, from 10 a.m. until noon from July 12 until August 16. Come on by to connect, learn, teach, share, and enjoy crafting — all you need is yourself and your creative spirit! No previous crafting experience is necessary and all materials will be provided. Join in at Next Door Social Space, 650 Plains Rd. E.

The Hive is also looking for volunteers to help faciliate in-person or online sessions with team members as and when required, to update posts on social media and the Hive website, and set-up and take down in-person sessions.
Volunteers should have great communication skills, be able to easily adapt to changing situations, be open to ethnic, cultural, gender, and linguistic diversity, be comfortable working with people with varying physical and mental abilities — and possessing art/crafting skill will be a huge asset! In return, you get to be part of a dynamic and caring team, have the opportunity to interact with other creative souls in the Canadian (and international) Art Hive community of artists/crafters/art therapists. Students gain community hours and experience, and recommendation/reference endorsements upon request.
For more information on the drop-in sessions or the volunteer opportunity, check out the Hive at https://www.creativecommunityhive.com/, on Facebook: creativecommunityhive or contact us via email at infohive2021@gmail.com