A virtual “Pre-Application Community Meeting” has been set for Wednesday, September 8, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss a significant redevelopment proposal for the Waterfront Hotel site at the foot of Brant Street, located at 2020 Lakeshore Road.
Burlington 2020 Lakeshore Inc. proposes to demolish the existing hotel building and replace it with a “sleek and modern mixed-use development that will accommodate retail and service commercial uses… offices, a banquet facility and restaurants, hotel, and residential apartments.” The proposed redevelopment would include 557 apartments, a 130-room hotel, as well as commercial, office, and other uses, all within two towers. The towers are proposed to be 30 and 35 storeys, with a five-storey podium.

During the meeting, the owner will provide an overview of the proposal and city staff will provide an overview of the development application review process and how the public can be involved. There will also be a question-and-answer component about the proposal and the planning process. The applicant is Burlington 2020 Lakeshore Inc.
It is preferred that you join the meeting by video but not required. Participate online via Zoom through the following web addresses on the day: www.burlington.ca/2020lakeshore or https://zoom.us/j/93677332408.
Alternatively, you will be able to participate by telephone (audio only), by dialling +1 647 374 4685 and using meeting identification number (ID) 936 7733 2408.
The city’s website notes that this development pre-application process is separate from and not related to the city’s Waterfront Hotel Study, which has established key policy directions for development on this site and is planned to continue later this year. Residents may understandably be confused that the Waterfront Hotel Study is also listed in the meeting agenda. The latest update on this study posted to the city’s website was in August 2019, indicating a “lack of consensus among all parties.”
According to the City of Burlington website, the pre-application stage means that a completed application has not been received and/or an application is not deemed complete, and a pre-application community meeting will be held. The property owner will have already met with staff from the City of Burlington and Halton Region at a pre-consultation meeting. The owner will know what kind of planning applications will be required for their proposal and whether technical studies (such as environmental or traffic impact studies) will be needed. At the consultation meeting, the property owner will gather input and feedback to make any adjustments to the proposal before a development application is submitted to the city.
The September 8 meeting is hosted by the property owner/developer. Notices with details about the meeting are prepared by the property owner and sent to residents and businesses within 120 metres of the proposed development location in advance.
After the event, additional comments, questions, and feedback for the owner can be directed to the planning consultant, Bousfields Inc., at esugden@bousfields.ca or 905-549-3005 ext. 259. Once a complete application has been received, the public will be notified, and comments will be received by the city.
City of Burlington; Burlington Planning Process, 2021. Url: https://www.burlington.ca/en/services-for-you/development-status-information.asp (accessed August 25, 2021).
City of Burlington, 2021. Burlington 2020 Lakeshore Inc. — 2020 Lakeshore Road. Url: https://www.burlington.ca/en/services-for-you/burlington-2020-lakeshore-inc-2020lakeshoreroad.asp (accessed Aug. 27, 2021).