The weather was nearly perfect as members of the Burlington Sailing and Boating Club kicked off the 2021 boating season with their annual Sailpast celebration.
The event took place just off the entrance to the LaSalle Park Marina during what turned out to be a glorious, sun-filled Saturday afternoon.
The event started when Doug Edwards, piloting the club boat “Underway,” set up the marshalling point where the boats would begin their run past the club’s current and former commodores.
Sailboats, powerboats, boats of all kinds were invited to participate in the annual tradition.

Sailpast is based on the nautical tradition that when a sailor meets his or her superior at sea, he is required to render the normal “naval salute” by dipping the Canadian Red Ensign flag and waiting for the response. Today, this is only done annually at the start of the season during the Sailpast ceremony.

Usually, Sailpast is accompanied by a variety of events on shore and at the nearby clubhouse, but these had to be cancelled this year due to COVID-19.
Kicking off this year’s sailing season is particularly exciting for the club since no boating was permitted last year. Also, this is the first opportunity for sailors to experience the impact of the new City of Burlington breakwater.
The Burlington Sailing and Boating Club has over a hundred members.