Joseph Brant Hospital’s website indicates that they are currently caring for two confirmed cases of COVID-19. Over the past month, this number was actually at zero for several days.
Up to and including June 30, there have been 576,368 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered in Halton Region. This number includes first and second doses given. It was interesting to see the new dividers up last night at Compass Point Bible Church, one of Burlington’s community vaccination clinics. The team was equally efficient in giving the first vaccines, and the sections or cubicles yesterday provided additional privacy and a second chair for our second vaccination. According to Halton Region’s data posted online, Burlington currently has 24 active COVID-19 cases, one quarter of the number in our report a month ago. The region’s dashboard is being updated on weekdays only now, except on statutory holidays. This means that the numbers posted on Mondays will represent the weekend and Monday numbers. There is still one COVID-19 outbreak at a long-term care home in Burlington and there are two outbreaks in workplaces.

Since our May report, lots has changed in both vaccination information and where we’re at in the “roadmap to reopen.” All individuals 12 years of age and older who live, work or go to school in Halton are now eligible to be vaccinated at a Halton Region vaccination clinic. Second dose appointments can be scheduled for a minimum 28-day interval after the first mRNA vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna). The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are now considered interchangeable, although Moderna is approved only for those 18 years of age and older. Those who received their first AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccination can be scheduled for a second AZ dose at a minimum eight-week interval by contacting the pharmacy where they received their first dose. However, the region’s website today indicates that “It is not recommended to receive AstraZeneca as your second dose.” Individuals who choose to have a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine for their second dose can register through the region’s website.
We are now in step 2 of Ontario’s Roadmap to Reopen
As of June 30, Halton Region is in step 2, which allows larger outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people, small indoor gatherings up to five people, outdoor dining for up to six people per table, outdoor sports leagues, and retail capacity increases (essential retail at 50% and non-essential at 25% capacity). Personal care services where face coverings can be worn at all times are now permitted to open at 25% capacity. Halton has a number of public health guidelines and resources online to help businesses reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
The City of Burlington is encouraging face masks when outdoors but they are not required unless you cannot maintain a three-metre distance from others for sports or a two-metre distance for other activities. Nelson and Mountainside pools are open, and LaSalle Splash Park and splash pads are open. Registration is required 25 hours in advance at and a pre-screening form must be completed one hour before pool time at Outdoor adult drop-in programs are open for registration and City Hall’s Service Burlington counter is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. for in-person payments. Parking enforcement is in effect.
Step 3 will come when 25% of adults are fully vaccinated and 70-80% have one dose of vaccine.
Travel restrictions
The Canada–U.S.A. border remains closed until July 21 and the Government of Canada continues to advise travellers to avoid non-essential travel outside of Canada. Starting July 5, individuals entering Canada who meet our government’s requirements for fully vaccinated travellers, are asymptomatic, and meet all other entry requirements, may be exempt from quarantine, hotel stopover for air travellers and the day-8 testing requirements. Fully vaccinated means that you have received the full series of an accepted COVID-19 vaccine or a combination of accepted vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, Janssen). Proof of a negative COVID-19 test result is required whether you are entering Canada driving or flying. No test is required for flights within Canada. Even if you are seeking the fully-vaccinated exemption, you must have a quarantine plan in place for where you can stay for at least 14 days. All travellers to Canada must enter their information into ArriveCAN before and after their arrival in Canada. ArriveCAN is free and available online or as a downloadable app.
City of Burlington, June 28, 2021. Update on City Services and Outdoor Facilities. Email to subscribers.
Government of Canada, 2021. COVID-19 Vaccinated Travellers Entering Canada. Url: (accessed June 30, 2021).
Halton Region, 2021. Status of COVID-19 Cases in Halton. Url: (accessed June 30, 2021).
Joseph Brant Hospital, 2021. COVID-19. Url: (accessed June 30, 2021).