Communication from Tiffaney Tsang, Tyandaga resident
A Kerns Road homeowner reached out to us today to voice concern over a proposed development for 1600 Kerns Road put forward to the City of Burlington by Fieldgate Properties.
Tiffaney Tsang writes:
“Fieldgate Inc. has applied for a 4-storey retirement home with a terrace roof top. We are located in a quiet and calm residential area and the proposed property currently has a daycare, bakery and small business that is at street level. I did not anticipate such a large development in our neighbourhood that I feel does not give back to the young families that live here. I am very concerned about how the intensification will impact the character of my neighbourhood and the amount of high density needs a business would require based on the size. When we bought our home, we had finally saved enough to invest in this neighbourhood and feel it is very unfair to build this tall building around houses. My home will be in such close proximity to the retirement home, I just know this will affect the value of my home and the houses across the street. I really think that tall buildings should be built with others like them, not alongside houses with no regard to existing neighbours. I have submitted my letter to the city like many other people in my neighbourhood. The deadline to have all the letters submitted is approaching, on June 25. Below is a visual of the plan and some contact information for submitting your comments to the city. Please help us get the word out. This development will affect many who live here and the natural area we enjoy so much.”
Local residents have formed a Facebook group to communicate their efforts called the Tyandaga Community Coalition. You can also check on the city’s website for updates on the proposed development for 1600 Kerns Road at; no public meeting has been set at this point.